A little about me…


       That’s me, 22 year old Justin O’Neil Faircloth, and that is my friend Carlee. I love this picture because it completely exemplifies who I am. Though I may get strange looks from time to time, I smile through it and look ahead. One of the greatest challenges we face is understanding one another.  Though we can never fully understand everyone, the more important thing is to respect one another. Dalai Lama who said “Do not let the behavior of other’s destroy your inner peace” and so I try to take this advice. Easier said than done right? You just have to keep smiling.

        I know the purpose of this site is to mostly display my work so that maybe it will land me a job in the future. However, the success I have had and will have all go back to one thing… attitude. You can be smart as a whip, however without your heart and mind in the right place you won’t achieve anything worthwhile. Times get hard for all of us, and though the challenges you may face might seem minuscule in comparison to others, your hardest times still build you up or break you down. It is how you handle your hardest challenges that defines you. I don’t know what awaits me down the road; however, I know I have faced some difficult times and came through them stronger.

       I have balanced multiple jobs and school for the majority of my college career. If you look at my resume you will see which jobs and for what periods of time. It hasn’t been easy, and I know I could never have made it this far without the help of others. Ultimately though, even with help, if I didn’t stay strong and have a good attitude then I wouldn’t have made it to here. I will graduate next semester with two degrees and a decent GPA. Reflecting on my college experience, I can only be eternally grateful. I am so thankful for my faith, my amazing family, my friends, my jobs/managers/co-workers, and those professors who have not only taught me so much, but who have supported me, going above the role of an instructor to be amazing role models.

      If you look at some of my colleagues resumes and reels you will see that some of them have shot, and wrote amazing stories. I am proud of them and the work that they have done. When I watch their stories, I try not to be envious because I know they have better cultivated camera and/or writing skills. I know, however, that I have great talents of my own. Some of my stories shot have not turned out the way I had hoped.  I am just being forward about it. I do know, however, that the challenges I have faced and the amount of things I have had to balance will serve my well. I know I will succeed at wherever I end up. I know that I will give my all, which each year I realize more and more that encompasses a great deal. If you are to be impressed by anything, it shouldn’t be just a video or an air-check, but rather the person… the man. I hope I don’t come off conceded but rather just confident. I am not foolish enough to think I got here on my own, because I know I owe everything to the love and support I’ve had from others. I know this may not be a typical bio but I know that it shows better who I am than just a brief history of where I was born and such. I know that if you gave me the opportunity to work for you, and with you, then we will succeed together. If you made it this far into the blog then I appreciate your time.